I have worked on a variety of different projects in different roles. Feel free to check some of them out on my YouTube channel:
Still from The Ghoul. Actor: Joseph Kase
Still from TIMMY. Actor: Jonathan Purnell
Still from The Ghoul. Actor: Jonathan Purnell
Still from Mime and Punishment. Actors (left to right)
Irving Hou, Jonathan Purnell, Miles Foster, Andre Canseco
Still from Mime and Punishment. Actors (left to right)
Miles Foster, Jonathan Purnell
The Ghoul
This is a short I made with two others in the “Internet TV and Video“ production class over the summer of 2023. Each person in the course had to produce, edit, and record for a commercial, fiction, or non-fiction short. I was able to produce for the fiction project, and we ended up making a silent black-and-white supernatural comedy. We filmed it in two different locations over two days, and the edit took another day. The second day of filming was rough, as we filmed it in a sweltering and humid old apartment, which was taxing, along with the fake vomit(made from a cocktail of soup) covering some of our clothes. The film was originally longer than I had anticipated, and we had to cut a lot of stuff out as it would have been too difficult for us to complete. In other silent films, the speed is often sped up, and we opted to do the same. Unfortunately, this makes the film's second half a bit too fast as we had to get it under the time limit, so it can be rather chaotic and difficult to follow. Overall, everyone put a lot of work into this quickly, but we still had a lot of fun and were proud of the end product.
Collaborated with Eddie U. Gonzalez, Joseph Kase
A Dish Best Served Warm
This short film was a project that two of my friends and I did for the WUD Student Film Festival 2023, where participating students were given a week to create a short film with a short list of dialogue/actions/objects to include in the short. Of the list they gave, we chose to use a pocket protector and the quote, “Make like a banana and split.” We didn’t decide on participating until the last two days when I spent one day writing the script and the second day filming and editing with the others. We didn’t start filming until later at night, as it was Easter, and we spent the whole night filming and editing the short. One of my other friends who also does film at UW did a lot of the camerawork, though there were some shots here and there where each of us would film. He mainly did the editing as he has more experience with editing. Some of the edits were intentionally left bad, as we felt it was funnier and went with the campy/low-budget style of the short. It was exhausting, but we thought it was a fun and rewarding experience that required a lot of work from each of us.
Collaborated with Yucheng Lian, Martin Berg